A small regret

I realised that I started this with the intention of it being like an online diary, so this is going to be more like a diary entry than anything else I have done something lately that I am not proud of, and I am hoping that this will be the last time that I doContinue reading “A small regret”

Mental health in Northern Ireland

Recently I found a harrowing statistic; 40% of adults living in Northern Ireland is diagnosed with PTSD. This is higher than any other country in Europe. The reason that the number is this high is as a result of The Troubles. For any of you who don’t know, The Troubles was a period of conflictContinue reading “Mental health in Northern Ireland”

What I’m reading

I’m currently reading Never Greener by Ruth Jones. Even though this is not the typical genre I would be interested in (usually thriller, Stephen King type books) I am really enjoying it! Not a typical chic flick, it explores mental health issues and suspense. I was previously a fan of Ruth Jones as Gavin andContinue reading “What I’m reading”

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